Wilding Honeybees / Field Trip to the Galbreath Wildlands Preserve
New research on the impact of climate change on global ecosystems continues to send our thinking in new directions. One of...
New research on the impact of climate change on global ecosystems continues to send our thinking in new directions. One of...
Our guest speaker in October will be Maggie Shanahan. We met with her for an interview in early October and will...
The accelerating loss of animal species and biodiversity reflects the urgency with which we need to move toward the preservation of...
For this live-stream event, we will meet on two consecutive Tuesday evenings (November 28 & December 5). Michael will go step...
The craft and wisdom of beelining and tracking honeybees will be the topic for a panel discussion at Salon #30. Beelining...
Honey bees are in a rare category within the animal kingdom, straddling wild and domesticated. What defines “wild”? Why is this...
The accelerating loss of animal species and biodiversity reflects the urgency with which we need to move toward the preservation of...
It was on honor to have Derek Mitchel from the UK as our guest. We hope to have our interview with...
This 7 month course* outlines the foundational practices of Apis Arborea’s map for Regenerative Apiculture & Wilding. We are following an...
What fascinates us about the image of a wild honeybee nest in an old oak tree? We bridge the gap between...
Bee-lining involves searching for bees and patiently following foragers back home. While centuries old, this craft’s utility has become less effective...
Wild honeybees allow us to enter into their world of interconnectedness of the living landscape. Our experience of witnessing wild honeybees/...
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