Arboreal Apiculture Salon

An Interactive Live Stream & Podcast

Exploring the science, beauty, and spiritual expression of Arboreal Apiculture & Apiology.

The Arboreal Apiculture Salon hopes to provide a forum for the emerging global arboreal apiculture community to connect, exchange ideas, and engage in symbiotic learning. It is part of a grassroots movement that explores new pathways of being and thinking in the Anthropocene. We believe in the importance of multidisciplinary collaboration and feature diverse speakers from various backgrounds, including entomologists, ecologists, activists, anthropologists, and conservationists. We either have a live meeting with our guest speaker and audience or meet with the speaker in an interview-style setting. The audio recording is published afterward as a podcast. Listen to or chat with speakers from around the world and develop a deeper connection to Arboreal Apiculture & Apiology.

Co-hosted by Cheyanna Bone, Jonathan Powell (Natural Beekeeping Trust), and Michael Joshin Thiele (Apis Arborea).

The Salon is a free event, serving communities around the globe. You can join by using this Zoom link. If you would like more info or have a suggestion for a topic/ speaker, please contact us.

We recently created a Telegram Group as a forum to continue conversations beyond the live Salon events. It will provide a space to explore and share ideas and projects and will make it easier to organize locally. If you are interested, please feel free to use this link to join the Arboreal Apiculture Salon on Telegram.

Upcoming Salons

Arboreal Apiculture Salon #37

Please join us for this live Salon

It will be an honor to have Dylan K. Ryals as our guest at the Salon. Dylan is a life-long beekeeper...

Arboreal Apiculture Salon #38

This Salon will be without live audience

It will be an honor to have Dr Susan Murphy Roshi from Australia as our guest at the Salon. Susan is...

Arboreal Apiculture Salon #39

Please join us for this live Salon

It will be an honor to have Héctor Morales Urbina and Maggie Shanahan as our guests at the Salon. They both...

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Listen To Previous Recordings

  • by Natural Beekeeping Trust and Apis Arborea
    In this podcast, we spoke with Felipe Mendes from Brazil. Felipe is an arboreal and biodynamic beekeeper and consultant, pioneering innovative approaches to animal stewardship through the use of TreeNests (log hives). He works with Apis mellifera scutellata hybrids (Africanized bees) and has collaborated with the Landless Workers’ Movement (Movimento dos Trabalhadores Rurais Sem Terra […]
  • by Natural Beekeeping Trust and Apis Arborea
    Dr. Ellis is the Gahan Endowed Professor of Entomology in the Entomology and Nematology Department at the University of Florida. At the University of Florida, Dr. Ellis has responsibilities in extension, instruction and research related to honey bees. Regarding his extension work, Dr. Ellis created the UF/IFAS Bee Colleges and the UF/IFAS Master Beekeeper Program. […]
  • by Natural Beekeeping trust and Apis Arborea
    It is on honor to have Ollie Visick from the University of Sussex, UK, as our guest at the Salon. Ollie Visick is a fourth-year PhD student at the University of Sussex, UK, studying wild honey bee colonies under the supervision of Professor Francis Ratnieks. His main areas of research are wild colony density and […]
  • by Apis Arborea & Natural Beekeeping Trust
    In this epidsode we are joined by Fred Pearce, author of The New Wild – Why Invasive Species will be Nature's Salvation,  Economists book of the year 2015. Fred is an award-winning author and journalist based in London. He has reported on environmental, science, and development issues from eighty-five countries over the past twenty years. […]
  • by Natural Bee Keeping Trust and Apis Arborea
    In this podcast we are joined by Prof. Peter Neumann, the Vinetum professor of the Institute of Bee Health at the University of Bern. His reaserach covers all aspects of all aspects of bee health with focus on behavioural, evolutionary and molecular ecology of honey bees and their pathogens. Peter has been the adjunct Professor, […]
  • by Natural Beekeeping Trust & Apis Arborea
    In this podcast we learn that through math(s) we can prove that some of our long held beliefs about honeybees are wrong. Derek Mitchell researches into the heat transfer of man-made and natural honeybee nests at the School of Mechanical Engineering of the University of Leeds where he has recently completed his Phd with a […]
  • by Natural Beekeeping Trust and Apis Aborea
    Beelining is an ancient craft and science of finding wild honeybee trees/nests. The pursuit is old as humankind and has gained new relevance for the conservation and rewilding of honeybees.  In Salon 30 we bring together international practitioners of beelining  to share and explore current and innovative models of beelining. The panel includes Thomas Seeley […]
  • by Natural Beekeeping Trust and Apis Arborea
    In Salon 29. we are joined by honeybee researcher Maggie Shanahan, and author of the 2022 paper  “Honey Bees and Industrial Agriculture: What Researchers are Missing, and Why it’s a Problem” –  Link. The conclusion of that paper offers a great introduction to our conversation with Maggie in this episode of the Salon: "When honey […]
  • by Jonathan Powell, Michael Joshin Thiele, Cheyanna Bone
    This salon features special guest  Grace McCormack. She is a Professor of Zoology at NUI Galway, Ireland. Her interests lie in evolutionary biology and particularly in using molecular data to understand how organisms are related to each other and the impacts this may have on the conservation and the evolution of organismal traits. In this […]
  • by Apis Arborea and Natural Beekeeping Trust
    Our special guest will be Ph.D. Benjamin Rutschman from Germany. Benjamin is a honeybee researcher who works on honeybee ecology with a special focus on colonies living in the wild, their foraging resources, and their nesting sites. He got his Ph.D. from the University of Würzburg in 2022 and is now continuing his studies on […]
  • by Natural Beekeeping Trust and Apis Arborea
    Our Guest will be Chelsea Batavia. She is an Environmental Scientist with the Delta Stewardship Council. She researches how human ethical values and beliefs affect environmental management and conservation. She is also a great cook as you will find out!
  • by Jonathan Powell, Michael Joshin Thiele, Cheyanna Bone
    Our special guest is Prof. Dr. Lars Chittka.  He is from the Research Centre for Psychology at the Queen Mary University of London, where he is a Professor of Sensory and Behavioural Ecology. His latest book “The Mind of a Bee” is a rich and surprising exploration of the intelligence of bees.
  • by Natural Beekeeping Trust and Apis Arborea
    In this podcast the hosts and attendees discuss Frederique Apffel Marglin Salon podcast No 23. Frederique is challenging the foundation of western thinking and promotes new ways of being in relationship with the agency and sentience of the non-human world. Join us in this open discussion.
  • by Natural Beekeeping Trust and Apis Arborea
    Our special guest is Frederique Apffel Marglin. She is Professor Emerita, Dpt. of Anthropology at Smith College and founded Sachamama Center for Biocultural Regeneration in Peru. Frederique is challenging the foundation of western thinking and promotes new ways of being in relationship with the agency and sentience of the non-human world. Her innovative research presents […]
  • by Natural Beekeeping Trust and Apis Arborea
    Our special guest will be Thomas Dyer Seeley.  He is the Horace White Professor in Biology in the Department of Neurobiology and Behavior at Cornell University. He is the author of several books on honeybee behavior, including Honeybee Democracy and The Wisdom of the Hive.  He was the recipient of the Humboldt Prize in Biology […]